House Darling

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Hi. I’m Cameron. If you need it, I’ll be your Dad, now. I know pain, I know trauma. I know of loss and fear and failure. But I also know of picking yourself up, dusting off the dirt and ashes, and then just keep walking. No matter how many times they push us down, we always get back up.
I had to do it all - save myself and my baby and my cats - alone. Start over with nothing, no one, and nowhere to go. I promised myself I would, one day, be who I needed, and provide what I needed, in those most difficult days. Each of us are stronger than we know, and braver than we realise… but even the bravest of us cower when alone.

You don’t have to be alone. Join me where dreams are born, and time is never planned, at House Darling.

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